Muscle jock forced gay sex stories

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He well understands how the male body works, however, and manages to accidentally bring every male adult he comes into contact with to explosive orgasm.Įxcept for his racist, ever-disappointed dad, that is. At just 18 years old, DHJ is presented in first person narrative and with a near child-like naivety about sex and his own sexual appeal. This week, we’re back in high school jock territory but with a series that focuses less on camaraderie and more on the accidentally sexual foibles of a dude known only as the titular Dumb Horny Jock. Offsetting it with illustrations by Matt turned out to be a stellar choice, as lots of you confessed to finding those drawings to be big turn-ons.

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It’s been months since we did a story time post! Last time I shared a story about high school muscle worship and the fraternity that such masculine tenderness breeds.

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